Friday, August 30, 2013

happy independent day Malaysia...

okay today 30th august 2013 only 30 minutes to 31st august which is Malaysia 56th independent day (merdeka)..

today full of spirit to type blog post in english...

today my MUET teacher do a letter competition and write our letter to Malaysia....start with this sentence..

"dear Malaysia"

so the teacher she has a Duit raya for those who write a best letter to i enter the competition not because  of  money but i want to share my love and passion to my beloved country so on...before school is over today the teacher enter to my class and revealed the people who win the i among top 4...because not all o my friends join that letter competition..but the suprised is teacher ask the winner to read their own letter..."there is a butterfly in my stomch" before read the letter but i took challenge and read it...fuhhh..its done and teacher said all  4 of us is a patriotic person..proud to that statement..anyway thank you teacher Ros because give us opportunity to express our feeling to our country..

Love you Malaysia...

p/s my ambition is to become a military day...insyallah...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

after eid...

raya dah nk masuk dua minggu, begitulah sekolah rasa macam esok je masuk sekolah this week akan jadi minggu yang paling sibuk sebab nak prepare for volleyball tournament with the team...peringkat daerah kot..untuk form 6 student..lepas habis tournament kena belajar lah exam macam tinggal 2 bulan je...sedar diri tu sikit razny..haaa...buku pun tak habis study lagi...

p/s i got a feeling, tomorrow will be a hectic day among the students because of raya story and also gossip-mossip..haha ala-ala mak jemah gitu...

#peace and pray for egypt