Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Missing You.

I don't know how many years I'm neglect this blog. As for now, I try to post whatever I think is nice to be share.

For now, I already graduated from University and already secured a job that I want. I'm in the middle make a money and try to make my parents happy and pay back their all sacrifice. As for the love life, I think I need to heal first from broken heart. However, I will always remember him. Maybe its hard to move on but I will try. 2 years without him, no news and nowhere to be found. 

The one who teach me what is 'Rindu' and 'Sayang' beside from my parents. Don't get me wrong, I stay with my parents right now so I will see them everyday and they now how hurt I am when he left me. Both of us is been introduced by a friend, maybe its my fault fall in love with military man, I'm always proud of him wherever he go for his duty to protect this country. I only have one picture of him that he give to me. We never see each other and its hard to call him, only whatss app connecting us. Both of us already have a plan for the next step in our relationship but Allah is greater, Allah take you away from me. Maybe you have a reason to do so, I will always remember you. If one fine day, I found a man that can make me happy, I will let you go. Wherever you go, whatever you do I hope you will always safe my dear Lieutenant AH. 

